Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I have a friend.
I talk with my friend on a regular basis.
We discuss what is going on in our lives.
We talk about the good stuff.
And the tough stuff.
And for him, life is a lot tougher than it is good most weeks.
He has been through things I can't imagine and others that I find myself in on a regular basis.
Often, he believes God has left him, forgotten him.
Things seem to be getting deeper and darker for him.
And yet, when I ask if he has been praying over these things or spending time in the Word, he says, "no."
He understands that he NEEDS God.
He knows God.
And yet in his greatest hour of need, he puts all the burden on himself.

It's kind of like sitting in front of the tv, eating a gallon of ice cream and saying, I really need to get in shape.
Then downing a bottle of Mountain Dew and chasing it with a shot of maple syrup.

How can we expect to grow, heal, and thrive without excercising our faith?
You don't have to benchpress, squat, lunge, or curl anything.
Just get on your knees, fold your hands, and bow your head before the one who knows your deepest hurts and needs.

Until he realizes this, please join me in standing in the gap for my friend...


floorguy said...

consider it done!

Anonymous said...

will do.

it's an awesome thing to be a friend to someone when they can't see Jesus for themselves.

i think this person is seeing Jesus. it's just that they don't recognize him cuz he's wearing his justin g. body suit.

JGanschow said...

thanks, guys.