Wednesday, February 06, 2008

1 year.

Today, February 6th, is my one-year anniversary at TCHD. To celebrate, I inspected three of the diners on the main drag of Tremont. Since getting back to the office, 4 different people have complimented me on my smell (i've been deep fried).

One place was so smokey from the grill that clouds of grease were visible in the dining room. I asked the owner if she had an exhaust fan. She then shouted, "anybody bothered by the smoke?," to the customers. They said no. So she decided the exhaust fan was not necessary. I guess they have to have something to inhale since the smoking ban went into effect.

I guess this is a good thing, as I only lasted 10 months at the the insurance company. And things are looking up. I am now the one in charge of testing everyone's poo water for the county. So, here's to 365 days as an inspector!

And remember, chew carefully.


swishthedish said...

do you ever find anything cool or unusual when you're testing the water?

JGanschow said...

no. just poo.