Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Transformers and Transformations.

First of all I watched "Transformers" at Joe's last night and it was, in a word, "wowzeracious." I wish I had a car that drove itself, adjusted the radio to the perfect song to fit the mood, and transmogrified into a missile-spewing, 20-foot robot to rid the world of evil Decepticons. sweet. But for now, I'll have to settle for a 2001 Pontiac that guzzles 1/8 tank of gas in 20 miles (yeah, that's highway). It's bound for an immanent mechanical death if it doesn't get some intervention soon.

On a more serious note, this weekend at Northwoods was transforming as well. The theme was "Encounter," the first "E" of our new "E4" church model. Ben and Harold's new song "Give me an Encounter," is amazing. I didn't think anyone could fill Steve's shoes as worship leader, but Ben is awesome! Cal gave an empowering message on what it means to be in a relationship with a God that wants us to encounter Him continuously and to free us from whatever has bound us in this world. And then there was the drama...

Our version was filmed from about 5 different angles, so I hope to get all the footage soon to edit it into one video.

For us as performers, it was overwhelming. For the past five weeks of rehearsal, we became a representation of the evils that tear at us each and every day to rip away a child of God from her creator. It was physically and emotionally draining. By the end of the third service, we all bore bruises, scratches, and/or scrapes from the ravaging scene at the end. Sometimes it feels like all the demons are pulling at us at once. There was definitely some spiritual warfare going on in the casts' lives. Injuries, family issues, feelings of unworthiness, etc. abounded during our rehearsals, but on the days of the services, they were washed away.

Cal invited anyone seeking prayer to come forward at the end of the service. It was beautiful and moving to see people burst into tears and sobs in the embrace of strangers because they had just heard the truth, maybe for the first time. Cries of release and elation. wow. THAT is an encounter.


Leslie said...

I have seen that video! We watched it at campaigners a few weeks ago...I even think I blogged about it.

Anonymous said...

dude... what is with the first half of this vid? if jesus really acted like that, i wouldn't hang with him.

the second half is pretty moving, though. but does jesus really dress like that???

JGanschow said...

um, yeah, we changed that part. i don't think He could possibly be that cheesy.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that Jesus had short hair...

*Jillian* said...

were you the one in the pink dress? im so confused! lol