Monday, October 08, 2007

silent protest

Today I am protesting Columbus day by going to work.
Why does this country celebrate someone who murdered, raped, and enslaved native people for his own profit. He started the slave trade in the "West Indies," capturing hundreds of natives and shipping them back to Spain. Usually 1/3 of them died before reaching their destination. Ships could navigate to the "New World" by following the floating trail of bodies. Back in the islands, slaves were worked to death. If a slave did not bring back enough gold after mining all day in the hills, Columbus would have his hands cut off and hung around his neck to set an example for the others. Entire villages were wiped out for no reason at all, eventually causing a war between the natives and the Spaniards. Columbus believed he was bettering the natives by introducing his "culture."
And he most likely didn't even land in North America. It makes no sense! Of course, history books don't teach students the truth. They just make up cute little rhymes and give them the day off of school.

I hereby renounce Columbus day and request it be replaced by Leif Erickson day.

because Vikings were much more civil.


Anonymous said...

You should read "Lies My Teacher Told Me." I'm borrowing it from Stec. A history teacher wrote it and goes through several history textbooks that don't tell the "whole truth" about historical figures that we are taught to admire in elementary/high school.

Anonymous said...

Now, now, now...let's not be so harsh. I thoroughly enjoyed my day of reading, socializing, and exercising. He couldn't have been THAT bad, right?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gina. I had a great day off of work to paint, shop, and relax. Don't be a bah-humbug sort of guy. It was just a sign of the times.