Wednesday, August 29, 2007


So explain to me this:

I had to do a well inspection today in Pekin on 1st Street. In order to get to said location, I was required to turn left on North Street. When I did so, however, it took me on a loop back to the road I turned off of. Apparently there is a North North Street and a South North Street. South North Street was approximately 74 yards down the road on the other side of an empty lot. 1st Street starts and ends on either side of the lot. Both North North Street and South North Street are two blocks long. Who in the world thought this was a good idea? Pekinites...


Anonymous said...

It just takes time to get used to the idiocy of the downtown area. Try it 10 more'll get it!


Anonymous said...

weird, i thought it always started with 2nd street because that's right on the river.

also, i never realized there was a north street to begin with. there's definitely a south street that runs east and west.

the story goes that there were two city planners when pekin was established.

one wanted the streets to go with the compas rose like every other city at the time, and the other thought the river was more important that good 'ol reliable true north. the city agreed to disagree and allowed both planners to do it their way.

a story as confusing as the real city, but that's all i got.

it took a quarter of a century, but i got out of there. hopefully you will make it out safely each and every visit.

JGanschow said...

thank you for the history notes! i honestly wondered what the heck went wrong with the street system there. I used to get lost every time I crossed the city limit line, but I've got it pretty much figured out now. The South North Street still baffles me. and 1st street is not even in Pekin, it's in "Midway," but it's a Pekin address. freakin' weird.

Anonymous said...

Having the "unique" experience of living in Pekin twice in my life... I have to say that your post made me laugh. I'm tired and have had a long day... so thanks for the laugh!