Friday, August 03, 2007


It's Friday. 4:06pmCST.
24 minutes to freedom.

You know, it's funny. All week, the day I look forward to the most is not Saturday or's Friday.

Don't get me wrong, Saturdays are great-usually spent working on something around the house or traveling somewhere for an event, organization, etc.
Sundays are just too close to Monday morning to get too excited about.

But Fridays hold a certain mystery and anticipation. Think of all the things we could do in a two-day, work-free adventure. I still have to brave through a grueling 7.5 hours work day (slightly sarcastic), but only quitting time rolls around, I get excited. Even if I have nothing planned! actually, i prefer it that way...

I wish.
I wish I could end every day with the same level of anticipation and excitment for tomorrow as on Friday night. To live a life where I don't have to drag myself out of bed and through the work day, just to get to the end of it. I have a good life. Why can't I appreciate it to the fullest extent?

Maybe I'll ponder that on Sunday. After all, it'll take my mind off Monday morning...

p.s. Gina is leaving for Florida tomorrow. Sad time for me and cougar. Happy time for Gina, Summer, and Leslie!

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