Monday, August 20, 2007

on music

There is something in music that awakens the soul, lifts the spirit, or soothes a wounded heart.

Last night the incredibly gifted band from Chicago, "Sleeping at Last," played at the Warehouse. When they were here a year ago I had never heard of them. I bought both of their albums after the show and have listened to them dozens of times since. I was looking forward to their return all summer, to say the least. And they did not disappoint. They've crossed the boundary from relatively unknown Christian artists to the "mainstream" and have had one of their songs featured on "Grey's Anatomy." Their talent and unique crafting of word and music is moving. There was even a marriage proposal during "Umbrellas," a song about love, marriage, children, and life (no, it wasn't me).

So what is it between those chords, drum beats, and melodies that causes a transformation of the mind? In 2 Kings 3, when Elisha is seeking wisdom from God, he says, "But now bring me a harpist."
While the harpist was playing, the hand of the LORD came upon Elisha...
The word of God came through the music.

Which reminds me of a conversation with a friend I grew up with in church, who has for the most part walked away from anything resembling a church. He, however, worships music. A roommate of his professes to be an atheist, but says there is something about music that is "spiritual" to him. It moves him in an indescribable way.

Could it be that through the locked doors of an unsaved heart, God knocks loudly through a drum beat? Can a guitar riff pierce the darkness and reclaim that which is lost?

now bring me a harpist...


Anonymous said...

So eloquent and so true. Well said. Thanks for taking me with you. It was SO good and even better to share it with you.

viclyn said...

Gina, you are so cute (and sappy) Justin, you may have missed your calling - you should be a poet!!