I just finished 1 Kings a couple of days ago and have started reading 2 Kings last night. I am amazed that king after king of Israel and Judah would either a)follow God's commands for awhile, then turn to idol worship and subsequently be destroyed, or b)worship idols or false gods completely and subsequently be destroyed, along with their entire family and all their friends, prophets, etc.
How big of a dullard (fun word) do you have to be to not recognize a pattern here? Worshiping the one true God=prosperity and peace. Worshiping the gods you created to make life convenient for you=death, destruction, being eaten by dogs, ravens, or lions (your choice).
And then comes Elija, who stands defiant in the face of the cruelest king in the history of Israel, Ahab. He challenges the 400 prophets of the king (who would tell him whatever he wanted to hear) and their god. But none could stand in HIS way. And they were subsequently consumed (by dogs, yum).
Following him was Elisha, who gave up all he knew to become a prophet and warrior for God. He became twice the prophet as Elija, just for asking for it.
I heard a statement from Mitt Romney the other day. He said he wasn't "running as a Mormon" for president. In other words, his religion didn't define him or what he would do as a leader of this country. Don't we want someone who clings to their beliefs and convictions as our leader? Do we want someone who falls away when questioned about what he (or she) is all about? Do we want someone who will just tell us what we want to hear, or do we demand they do what is right because it is right?
A recent article in Time highlighted the leading Democratic candidates and their "religion." According to the author, Democrats have realized that a person's religion is now a popular aspect of their campaign because it has worked for the Republicans. The article featured a picture of Obama, Clinton, Edwards, etc., with the religious affiliation of their upbringing, name of their current church, and favorite hymn. I laughed. Is this all it takes? Their favorite hymn?! What about the impact of their stance on the tough issues based on their faith? I guess if they like "Amazing Grace," or "His Eye is on the Sparrow," they deserve our vote.
I just want someone to recognize the pattern of idol ($) worship in this country. And break it. I want a candidate who is real.
p.s. If anyone knows of a good church in South Carolina, John Edwards is "still looking."