Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Years, '08

New Years Eve was a great evening of food, revelry, and laughter with Gina's smallgroup. I was thankful to be invited for the 3rd annual event. Charlie and Ryan prepared an extravagant 6-course meal. Here's a visual sampler of the festivities!

A slate of various cheeses, apparently made from goats and "sweet" goats. I don't know how they tell the difference.

Two men in their element. Here Ryan and ChuckDean are preparing the salt beds for the oysters Rockefeller. Check out his blog for the complete menu!

The ladies set up a beautiful table presentation of crystal and red rose petals.

Myself with the new senior pastor of Imago Dei Church, Peoria.

Gina, calling geese.

Ahhhh, the oysters. Much better than "Rocky Mountain Oysters." Dad, I will never forgive you for telling me they were chicken nuggets. Trauma to a young boy...

Now look at that pile of sexy.

Here's to a great '08!

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