Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's a Cinch!

It's January. The gyms and fitness classes are packed. 2008 resolutions are still going strong...or are they?

Every year it's the same. There's no where to park in the gym lot at 5pm from January 1 to approximately April. And then the determined many become few. Why? It's hard. Pounds are hard to lose, whether you spend 60 minutes on a treadmill or pumping iron. And the most important part to weight loss is often over-looked-maintaining a healthy diet while striving toward your goal.

So many times, people yo-yo back and forth with fad diets, skipping meals, etc. The reason is when you starve your body of its necessary caloric intake, it metabolizes lean muscle tissue for energy. So, you may see weight loss, but you're losing the good stuff! Then when you "relapse" and start eating the unhealthy foods again, the weight comes back as more fat and you have less muscle tissue to burn it!

Enter, Shaklee's "Cinch" program. There are some great videos on my website: http://www.cinchplan.com/green4life/home. The Cinch program is based on the amino acid, leucine, which is essential for muscle growth and preservation. The kit comes with an assortment of meal shakes, delicious meal bars, energy tea, and metabolism boosting vitamins. Also included are meal plans, calorie counters, a pedometer, and a success guide.

As always, Cinch comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. People on the program have seen dramatic reductions in their hip-to-waist ratio, cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and blood pressure. You've got nothing to loose but inches and pounds and the only side-effect is a healthier you! There are no medications or chemicals to take, no empty promises made. The science and personal testimonies to back up Shaklee's claims are available on the website.

I would love it if a friend of mine would make the decision to become healthier in 2008 with this program. I'd love to be right there with them through the journey to cheer them on and see the results. And remember, "it's not about being beautiful, it's about being healthy!"

1 comment:

*Jillian* said...

sign me up! it would probably be better than the meal schedule i have going on now... i dont eat anything till 6pm on weekdays...