Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Life as of late...

Where to begin?
Me vida loca hasn't stopped to catch its breath since we arrived home from the frozen tundra of Wisconsin last Monday. And it seems the weather has followed us. A delightful 50F Monday and a balmy Tuesday morning have now given way to Icelandic conditions. Ah, such is an Illinois winter.

Work has been (for the 1st time since my February, '06 start here) crazy busy. I am now in charge of two programs within Environmental Health, which has increased my work load more than 2-fold. It IS better than being bored, but I don't like coming back to the office after spending a day doing food inspections to see my desk completely covered in paperwork. It takes an average of 2 hours each morning just to get things back in order before I can begin chipping away at everything else. Oh well. They hired a new inspector that is starting Thursday, so maybe that will take some pressure off. Another inspector had brain surgery two weeks ago, so he will mostly likely be gone another couple of months.

In other news, more progress on the thesis revision has been made. I had an encouraging meeting for the first time in a loooooong time with the profs on Friday. I was to have the first paper revised and back to them by the end of last weekend, but hit another snag. Apparently, when we ran the radioactive trials at SIU, one component of the protocol was not run without a sample present, which has to be done to determine efficiency. So I have to go back to Springfield Saturday for that little number. Then paper #1 will go back to the profs for revision #2. They haven't looked at my second paper, which has now been in their hands for 10 weeks. ah, the frustration. maybe i'll get my PhD after this.
or not.

Life has been weird lately. I feel a tension in what I'm doing (professionally, at church, etc.). I don't know if it's because of what people around me are doing and telling me I should be doing, or if it's a higher calling. I am just aware of it. It feels like something big is on the horizon, but I've had that feeling before and then didn't see anything happen. Who knows, maybe I'm just weird.

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