Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Performance Review

Yesterday afternoon, my boss came over and asked if he could speak with me for a few minutes in the conference room. I said sure. What else could I say?

I walked into the room ahead of him, he entered, closed the door, and asked me to have a seat.

Still standing, with a stack of papers in hand he stared at me and said, “Radio Shack fires people through email, but I have the dignity to do it in person.” Blank stare, no expression.

Then he burst out laughing.
And told me I was “awesome.”

That’s why I love my job. Well, like it…sometimes.


Anonymous said...

did your heart skip a beat! mine would have. great real life "micheal" moment!!

Anonymous said...

you got me man! you should go into writing for some newpaper column or something. between the characters you deal with... and work for... and all your hunting escapades... you could be famous.

sorry i couldn't be there to help with the move.

JGanschow said...

Yes, Beth it did, even though there would be no reason to fire ME if they had to let someone go.

Randy, yeah, it's like living in a comic strip sometimes. I'm getting really excited about the house. I'm not planning on moving until the end of september unless I get the mountain of work done early. we'll see...

Anonymous said...

If I had a catchphrase it would be, "You're hired, and you can work here for as long as you want to. But that's just not realistic."