Wednesday, July 12, 2006

now that it's out of my system i can laugh...

as soon as i posted the previous message, i got an email from a friend in the property unit that said:

"I got a new McHell loss in, customer shot the COD with a pistol because he was upset with his service….no video or witnesses"

gotta love that..."i said no mustard!! kapow kapow kapow. Take that you metal box that produces the simulated voice of the person that can't push the right buttons to make me a 99 cent disc of horse meat!"

I also watched a surveillance video yesterday of a mickey dee's employee spitting in the face of a customer through the drive thru window because he kept changing his order. His response: after trying to come in through the window after her, he charged into the store and made several attempts to lunge behind the counter yelling that he was going to put a bullet in her head.

seriously people, there is more to life than greasy, low-quality, carb-laden, artery-clogging, eat-and-poop food.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

c'mon! you gotta love your job!!!

where else do you see so clearly the human condition... everyday!? but you'd better keep laughing. cause when you stop... you start sounding a teenie bit like some of the people in your post!

love you man!