Monday, July 24, 2006


I’d like to start by saying Charlie gave a great message this weekend at Nexus on journey vs. destination. To sum it up: our focus and ambition should be on the way we live our lives and serve others along the way instead of “just getting our butt into heaven.” Which brings me to today’s topic, authenticity.

It’s easy to talk the talk. Anyone can do it. But to really be authentic when you “Christian” friends aren’t watching is something that takes time and an intentional mentality. It requires you to constantly review your actions, thoughts, etc. and question whether they are in-line with your beliefs. It’s fascinating to watch someone new in their faith walk transform from someone who just comes to a church service once in awhile to someone who earnestly seeks God and to meet others where they’re at. I know I went through it and I think a lot of the high school guys I volunteer with are experiencing the same thing. It’s great to see kids in their most vulnerable age who are not afraid to be themselves and not fear what others think.

Authenticity is key to the journey. Who are you when you walk out the doors of the church? Who are you when you are at work or at school? On Saturday nights? If you can’t be authentic before others, how can you be authentic before God?


Anonymous said...

That is very true. Some of us have that stuggle more than others. I know firsthand. Thank you for all of your help!

Anonymous said...

that's powerful, big guy. the cool thing too, is that when you live authentically... it gives everyone around you the permission to do it too. so... i'm guessing as you live this out... you're going to see some pretty cool things happen in the lives of those people G*D's placing around you. go for it!