Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I have decided that the time has come. The time has come that we must embrace a reality that most of us have rejected, either intentionally or as a subconscious action because we are afraid of what it might mean. We turn away and close the doors of our mind because what we have been made to believe is not the whole truth. We have been led astray…

What is this deep secret, you ask? The answer may be staring you in the face at this very moment. Or maybe it “lives” next door. Maybe it’s your boss…or someone you pass on the street every morning…an overly-efficient and emotionless colleague. Maybe it’s in your cell phone or iPod. Or maybe it’s inside your head.

This unspeakable thing, this conspiracy that our government has been covering up for generations is that robots have come to live among us. They are everywhere. Please contact me as soon as HUMANLY possible to purchase robot insurance. This will protect you, your family, and your biological way of life!


Abel Muniz said...

wow you must have been REEEAAAALLLY bored at work today

Anonymous said...

that was my thought exactly able!! wow, someone was bored....haha! nice writting though!