Thursday, June 15, 2006

Last blog of the day, i promise...

Today I was reconnected with an old friend…with someone who was instrumental in guiding me to where I am today in my walk with Jesus. Someone who is for lack of a better word, a mentor. Someone who has remained faithful and loyal to God no matter what cards he was dealt. He was there when I first met Jesus. I had known who God was as I was growing up, but I didn’t really KNOW Him. I was just an infant in this relationship and God called him away to another church. I haven’t spoken with him in two years, but today we were reunited.

Lately I’ve been feeling empty. I’m not sure why, but I just felt like I was drifting off the coast of a vast ocean, unable to paddle back to shore. I’ve been waking up exhausted after a full night’s sleep. I’ve had aches and pains that feel like my age has suddenly doubled. And just last night I realized that I have been running myself into the ground with my job, work at home, and trying to please everyone all the time. I just can’t do it. Let me rephrase-I can’t do anything without Jesus. And that’s why this has all come about. I’ve taken Him out of my schedule….

I go to church a few times a week. But that’s not enough. He needs more. Time for just the two of us. I need Him and I have decided to spend a little less time and energy on other stuff and more on Him.

When I came across Randy’s blog this morning, my entire outlook on the day changed. The sun was brighter, the time clock moved a little faster, and my heart was a little lighter. God is good. He gives and takes away, but he is ALWAYS faithful. He comforts, He reassures, and He never ceases to amaze me!


Anonymous said...


don't know if you caught on my blog how G*D used you in my life that day you contacted me too.

looking forward to seeing you in august!

JGanschow said...

yessir. He is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Keep your sights in his direction! M.O.M.