Monday, May 01, 2006

Sorry ma'am, and yes, I'm laughing at you.

This was great! Sometimes I get a claim, and I instantly get a "feeling" about it. This one screamed, "no way." It says that this lady bought a double cheeseburger ($0.99), opened it up to put on ketchup, mustard, and whatever else they put on this stuff in North Carolina, and allegedly found a fly. She hadn't eaten any of the sandwich, but felt nauseated nonetheless. My thoughts: pick it off, eat the burger. What would any other normal person do? Ask for another sandwich right? Not this time... not this lady... She refused a meal replacement and instead demanded the corporate phone number. The manager gave it to her in hopes of appeasing her and defusing the situation. Not that easy. Corporate pretty much told her the same thing and offered her a gift card. Also not up to her standards (remember she has suffered much). Now it's in my hands and I already have a preconceived opinion of our patron. Now that I'm on the line, she suddenly remembers that she had already began to eat the burger when she found the fly (which was in the middle of the meat patty) and that the hamburger was raw, causing her to be violently ill with food poisoning for two whole days, but she didn't seek medical treatment because she's had food poisoning before and knows what to do and that this WAS food poisoning. Ramble much? She followed with a number of other stories that conflicted sharply with facts from the manager, including that she had not been offered anything by the store because before they could offer her anything, she stopped them and told them she'd rather "settle out of court." Ok, you bought a $0.99 sandwich. Wouldn't "settling out of court" be to replace that 99 cents? How about we make it an even dollar? She told me she'd settle for around 10 or 15, to which I said "dollars? ok." "NO!!," from the other end of the line-"one thousand to fifteen hundred!" To which I responded with an unintentional, and maybe unbusinesslike, burst of laughter. woops. I recovered, however, and told her that we were not prepared to settle a claim of this nature. She said she'd see us in court. I said "ok."

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