Thursday, May 11, 2006

Claim O' the Day.

This from my friend in Property:

McDonald's Restaurant, Undisclosed location:
A woman orders at the drive thru and pulls ahead to pay at the window. As she reaches from her vehicle to exchanger her money with the employee, she drops the change. Naturally, she opens the vehicle door, but can't reach all the coins. She puts her left foot on the ground for leverage while at the same time her right foot slips from the brake to the gas pedal. oops. The vehicle lunges forward, taking out several bushes and breaking her leg between the door and the frame as she runs into the building. And you thought cholesterol was bad!!


Screwtape said...

I know not to laugh. I know not to laugh. But it is hard because I do not know this lady and since I'm only reading it in a blog, I can pretend its a cartoon or something. Wow, what a bad day for her, "Can I have some fries with that broken leg?"

JGanschow said...

it's ok to laugh. i did. it's hard to empathize with stupidity. sucks for her, but it's still funny.

Chris said...

what a moron...

Anonymous said...

wow! it takes all kinds!!