Monday, May 15, 2006

Deer vs. Donuts Part Deux

For some reason, there is a forest in Pennsylvania where deer are committing suicide. What are the chances that the same donut truck would hit another deer in the same area just one week later? That's amazing.

Wait a minute...maybe they are using deer as filler (jelly-filled anyone?) and this is a way for them to increase profitability. Something's fishy here. All I'm saying is that probability suggests that for the same vehicle to hit another deer by "accident" when it is not mating season, seems a little unlikely.

I think I'll turn this one into the conservation police. After all, I've never seen a donut truck painted camouflage before, or with 32" tires and a gun rack.

If you eat Krispy Kreme, chew carefully.


swishthedish said...

i prefer Hot Shots Part Duex

Anonymous said...

instead of donuts, they can be called....deer-nuts! hahah ok that was not funny