Friday, July 20, 2007

kamikazee carp

tomorrow i'm headed out to the Illinois River for some redneck fishing (shooting flying fish with a bow).

i'm sure it is much harder than it sounds, as you are moving, the fish are moving (fast), and you're shooting a relatively slow-moving projectile, which requires you to lead the target and predict their movement.

if nothing else, it will be a boatload of laughs. i'm bringing the video camera.


here's a link to a video of some of our local fish shooting celebrities:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jg! it's been too long since i've been on your blog... but each time i do, i never leave disappointed.

you're the best. the IDIOTS post left me with a much needed smile on my face. and i can't wait to hear about your fishing trip!

love & miss you, man!