Monday, January 29, 2007


Unfortunately, it's easy to forget how blessed I am sometimes. I tend to get caught up in all the "things" of this world and miss the bigger picture. I have a great family. I have great friends. A great church. A home. And most importantly, a God who loves me regardless of all my short-comings.

But there are moments where He pushes aside all the coincidences so I know it is His hand that is doing all the moving.

I had been praying for a new job.
I had been praying for roommates so I wouldn't have to move out to sell or rent my house.

Months had passed, slowly. Too slowly. How would I make it to the next paycheck?

And then, an interview. A job offer!
And then, a roommate, now two roommates.
And one is a "stranger" that goes to my church. She had been praying for a place to live and the cash to move in. Saturday she got called in to work on her night off and was given a $400 tip.

God blesses those who are faithful. Not that I deserve anything. I owe everything to Him. Again He has proven that while patience is my biggest struggle, it is necessary to sweeten the reward.

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