Monday, December 04, 2006

2nd season.

It’s back to reality after a long weekend (4 cold, snowy days) of deer hunting. I shot some more great video for this year’s DVD. Thursday I sat in the “War Wagon” with my dad and uncle all day because it was too frigid to sit in a tree for more than an hour. Pictures of this heated, tactical monstrosity are soon to follow. My uncle Dave missed two bucks that afternoon, both of which are on video.

Friday we were snowed in, along with the rest of the state of Illinois. We managed to crawl out of camp around 2:30pm and wallow through the 18” of snow to our stands. All I saw was a coyote.

Saturday the deer were sitting tight after the blizzard. There were lots of tracks crossing the open fields-evidence of their nighttime travels and feeding. We sat in the wagon again all day and only saw one deer, a nice 8-point.

Sunday morning broke the monotony. I had only been in the tree about 45 minutes-an hour (which is a long time when it’s 4 degrees out), when I spotted 4 deer working their way toward me through the forest. It turned out to be a group of does. I had two tags, so I decided to take one or two. I fired at the first animal, but it didn’t react in a manner to suggest it had just been shot at. All four of them just stood there. After a quick decision, I fired at the second deer, which ran a few steps and then started walking slowly again. I fired a third shot, which brought her down.

About 30 minutes later, my uncle shot a doe. My dad got one 45 minutes after that. And finally, another kid that hunts with us shot a doe later in the morning. So in all four frigid days of second season, all the action occurred in approximately 3 hours. The freezers are full, so I am happy!

(I’ll post some pictures soon)

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