Friday, August 11, 2006

This is what I've always dreamed of...

The Litter Robot Turns Cat Litter Into Easter EggsIf you've got a cat that weighs more than 5 pounds, this Litter Robot will turn his waste into little pre-packaged eggs for you to easily throw away—no more pee covered hands.
Your cat goes into the spaceship-like ball to do his business, steps out, and his droppings automatically get turned into little red and yellow balls of delight. A few caveats though. A cat more than 15 pounds most likely won't fit into the sphere, and diabetic cats make urine clumps that are too large. Then there's elderly and skittish cats, who won't like to get in the sphere in the first place.
If your cat meets all the qualifications, you can pick up a Litter Robot for 299 ($570).

My question is, can you then eat the eggs? Because that would be well-worth the investment. I love chickens because they are delicious and they produce nutricious eggs. If Cougar could also produce eggs, that would make him even greater!


Anonymous said...

justin, justin, justin...

you need a new job. you're beginning to turn into one of the whacked you write about so often!

...i guess i still love you though.

Abel Muniz said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth!

Anonymous said...

Oh Justin!

swishthedish said...

justin that cat excretes pure gold