Wednesday, June 18, 2008

(Not) back in the saddle.

I visited the chiropractor this evening for the back problem. I had never been to a chiro before, so they put me through the whole 9 yards with the measurements and the x-rays and such. The x-rays revealed two swollen discs with a compressed one between them. Also, the channels in the spine that the nerves run through (which are supposed to be round) are all shaped like kidney beans and have even started branching away from the spine. He said this was due to a prior injury and that the problem has existed for quite some time. hmm...
Sooo...for now, no lifting or bending. More ice. Another adjustment on friday. It actually hurts worse now than before I went in, but hopefully that's just due to the strong massage at the end.

In other, better news, I have another interview at CAT tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 in East Peoria!! Hopefully this will be the last one before they make a decision. Please pray that it goes well and I have all the qualifications required for the position!

And finally, thank you sooooo much to my dear sweet Nurse Gina who has taken such wonderful care of me through all of this nonsense! I honestly don't know what I'd do without her (probably go to work without socks on and my shoes untied-hard to reach when you can't bend!).

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