Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Injury

My boss and I have a sarcastic Michael-Dwight relationship. If you haven’t seen “The Office,” you have not tasted true jubilation. Michael is the moronic, self-absorbed Regional Manager with no tact, but is a self-proclaimed comic and improv actor. Dwight is the Assistant “to the” Regional Manager who would do anything to impress Michael. He’s overdramatic and over-the-top ALL the time. While my boss is not Michael-esque at all, there have been a few situations here that have been so similar, it’s scary.

For instance, there was time that he called me into the conference room, closed the door and asked me to have a seat. He then said, “Radio Shack fires people over email, but I have the dignity to do it in person.” He was kidding. He told me I was “awesome.”

Whenever I make a helpful suggestion that would increase efficiency in our claims-handling process, he responds, “Thanks, Dwight,” and kiddingly dismisses it. Michael does this all the time because it wasn’t his idea.

Yesterday took the cake though. As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed he had parked right next to the front door in the handicapped spot. In the next moment I saw him hobbling to the door on crutches. First thought: He cooked his foot in a Foreman Grill while making attempting to “wake up to the smell of crackling bacon.” I seriously laughed out loud in my car.
However, ‘twas not so. When I saw his foot was in a cast and not bubble wrap and packaging tape, I figured it was more serious. It turns out he fell off a ladder and broke one foot and bruised the other one. He was pretty grumpy about it so I waited until this afternoon to tell him what I assumed had happened. I asked him if he’d like some chocolate pudding.

I’m just glad he didn’t fall between the toilet and the bathroom wall and yell for help.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great blog Justin!