Monday, October 02, 2006


Move-in day was a success. The only casualty was Bri’s phone, which managed to ride for more than 8 blocks on the trunk of her car before sliding off and getting run over several times on War Memorial Drive. Poor Bri.

Other highlights included:

Rapid-fire pneumatic staple gun.

My dad calling me a “mongoloid” after I ducked to allow my bed frame, which was leaning against the inside wall of the trailer, to flip over my head and crash to the floor rather than catching it (picture a cartoon where the façade of the building falls and the character survives by standing in an open window frame).

Discovering a lost civilization under the kitchen counter and cabinets where several 100 generations of mice must have lived (this revelation was only made because it was necessary to pull out the cabinets to replace the floor. Fun. And gross.).

Buying an 8-foot long dryer vent pipe, which was 5 feet too short to actually function.

Cougar hiding on the top shelf of the storage room in the basement for 6 hours because he was freaked out by the new house.

Attempting to roll the dryer out of the trailer on a cart without using a ramp, resulting in a very loud crash when the strap came off and the side of the dryer hit the concrete. I hope it still works.

Using brute strength and pent up frustration to tear out and destroy the old kitchen floor. Priceless.

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