Monday, November 19, 2007

beating a nearly dead horse.

the weekend was good. but it's hard to relax when there's such a dark cloud looming directly overhead, no matter how far you run.

i spent three full days sitting in the woods, which was the good part of the weekend. the bad was the impending deadline and the reality that each day passing was a day closer to it. i worked on the first paper several hours every night and just had to button up a few things i needed internet access for when i got home last night.

when i opened my email, i had a message from my advisor stating, "this is not going to work. Your committee thinks it is impossible for you to have a completed thesis by November 30 th."

just one more kick in the gut on this seemingly endless comedy of errors. no support once again from my "advisor." there are two weeks before the presentation. one paper is completed, except for the revisions they give me. the other is in pieces and will be done by Wednesday night.

i'm just sick of being sick, loosing sleep, skipping meals (thanks for the 10:30pm macaroni, Gina), and this consuming my every thought. i just need to hear "good job, keep going" from the people who are supposed to be guiding me.

thank you to everyone else who is. i don't know what i'd do without you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I KNOW you can do it. I just wish there were something I could do to help you. I guess I can make sure you are well-fed? Keep plugging away!