Thursday, September 20, 2007

where have i been?

Wow. Where the heck does time go? On one hand, I'm glad things at work have FINALLY picked up. I've been busy almost the entire day-every day-for the past two weeks. I don't know what has sparked the change, but I welcome it. Too much cube time makes Justin go crazy! On the other hand, I have weekend duty this weekend. Thankfully, it's my last assignment for the year. I have EIGHT inspections on saturday so far, and they keep coming in. sheesh.

What else is new? groups are starting in Reality, which is exciting. I'm hoping for another year of growth and craziness with the high school guys. They rock.

I have once again attacked my thesis with a vengeance. Now that lab work has finally been completed, I'm working on data processing. If anyone has access to the stats programs, "Prism" or "SigmaPlot" I'd love it if I could borrow it.

Tommorrow night is the "Redneck Drive-in" at the Dean's. Meet at Northwoods at 7:30pm to caravan (with or without mules) to our makeshift movie extraveganza!

um...that's all. Leaving early again today to hit the gym...the joys of comp time.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I have missed you blogging my friend. I mean this week both you and Charlie have been MIA and work isn't the same without you. ;o)