Wednesday, September 05, 2007

looking back

looking back over the past 5 months or so, life has changed.

it doesn't matter what hurdle i'm facing or how stressed i am because i now have someone who is here. someone who cares and really, honestly wants to know how my day was or what i'm thinking about.

when i think about Gina, i can't help but smile. her charm is infectious, her laughter contagious. she is everything i wanted and more than i knew i needed. i don't know how i will ever thank her or be as much for her as she is for me.

with others from the past there was always a glaring issue of self-confidence or weird family issues or baggage they wouldn't let me help carry. or all of the above. i am so thankful that Gina is the complete opposite.

i have also stepped away from the young adult "house group," which was fun, but lost a lot of its intimacy when it exanded from a small group of friends with bible study, discussion, and prayer into a social gathering for whoever wanted to attend each week. i now have two brothers, chris and joe, i meet with each week. i wouldn't trade that time for anything. the connection between two men who are strong enough to share their weaknesses, shortcomings, and desires with each other is a powerful thing. and the fact that both of them are insanely hilarious helps too. it has challenged me and grown me spiritually.

it's only been 5 months. i can't imagine where life will go from here. i am listening intently for what is in store. i only want to trust and obey, and live faithfully.


Leslie said...

God has worked wonders in both of our lives the past 5 months. I'm so glad we've become good friends, and I'm so glad I hooked two of the greatest friends I have together!! ;o) Love you, friend!

JGanschow said...

les, you rock. can't wait for sunday!