Thursday, April 26, 2007

something new, something real.

What a difference a week makes. It's safe to say the news is out. I have met someone.
But Gina is different. For some reason, I've always seemed to attract girls with baggage. LOTS of baggage. And girls who were one person in public, and a completely different person in private. weird. always lacking authenticity and genuine character.
Gina is different. She is someone I can openly share my faith with. She understands what makes me tick-and why I spend so much time at church with crazy high schoolers (who I love)!
she's real. she's a beautiful person-inside and out! It is utterly uncanny how much we have in common.
actually, it's a bit frightening.
even the things we've always hoped life and relationships would one day be like are aligned in a way that is undeniably profound.
I can be 138.4% open with her about anything and everything. We talk for hours-sacrificing sleep and early morning sanity to learn about each other.
i've turned into a complete sap.
and i don't care.
Gina is different. Gina is amazing.


Leslie said...

all thanks to me...

Anonymous said...

i am so excited for you my friend!! you most certainly deserve this type of a relationship!!

Anonymous said...

Finally someone who sees what so many of us have known all along... I like you already for seeing the beauty in my friend Gina. She is ridiculously giddy.

erichapman said...

this is how i knew i had to marry sarah:

"We talk for hours-sacrificing sleep and early morning sanity to learn about each other.
i've turned into a complete sap.
and i don't care. "

JGanschow said...

thank you all for your words of affirmation and encouragment! it's a wild and crazy ride that i hope never ends! ahhhhh!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! You and your ex have moved on so quickly. Love my friend, works in mysterious ways. I am glad to see both of you have found happiness! Best Wishes!