Monday, April 09, 2007


time. once spent, it cannot be reclaimed. to someone with moments left to live, each millisecond is priceless. to one serving a life sentence, days pass like months.
why is it that there are split moments in time that remain vivid and ageless in our minds, while the rest pass without a second thought? why are there things we can't remember and others we can't foget, regardless of how hard we try?

an instant change the course of history.
the hammer piercing the roar of the crowd as it drove the nails into His flesh...
the thunder of the stone being rolled away...
the revelation that He had returned...

more personally, there are moments that change our lives. each and every decision steers us. often blindly we make choices that could enhance our life or end it-"do I take the shortcut home?", "do i eat my steak rare tonight?"
How do we spend the time we've been given and who do we spend it with? relationships. if a relationship fails, how do we cope with the time lost in it? is it really lost???

i yearn for the day when time no longer matters. where there is always time for dessert. where the band keeps playing one more song. where neighbors have time to share a beer on the tailgate after mowing the lawn. where jobs, phones, tv, and taxes take a backseat to meaningful conversation and deepened relationships.

help me to make the right decision this TIME.


Anonymous said...

i have wondered many times why we remember the things we remember. why a random conversation i had with a friend in high school is so vivid in my mind, but i can't remember the last thing my grandpa said to me. our mind is a mysterious and complex thing, but i know that God has his hand on what we do and don't remember, and there is a reason for it.
is time really lost if a relationship goes bad? that is up to you. Do you learn from what made it go bad? Do you take the time to sit down and figure out what lessons God had in store for you through this relationship? If it fine tunes what you know you need and want in a relationship, no it was not wasted. If you don't take the time to figure these things out, it was wasted.

Leslie said...

Did you know....I enjoy your friendship? Just curious.... ;o)

JGanschow said...

thanks, ladies.
beth, it was not lost-i have grown, i have learned-it just took some time to realize it.
les-me too. thanks for being an ear and a shoulder!

Anonymous said...

i didn't figure you to be one to waste time my friend.
sometimes these are the harder lessons, but some of the most important to.