Tuesday, April 25, 2006

too funny not to post.

So there I am, working on a file-food poisoning. Our client has already told me that the claimant is not a very cooperative woman and engaged in an argument with their manager about the incident. Allegedly, she has medical support for her claim, etc.-but this is not relevant to the story. So, after preparing the coming metal battle, I dial the claimant's work number...my phone goes silent. I dial it again...again, nothing. Weird. No dial tone, no pleasant droid-like voice at the other end informing me that the number has been disconnected. Then I realized what I was dialing. The claimant's work number is a 1-900 number..... which are apparently blocked by our switchboard. umm....

Do you think that 1-900 "operators" can accept personal calls while on the job. Wait-aren't ALL their call "personal" calls? yuck.

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