Thursday, December 13, 2007


i heard something last night that just came to mind while contemplating how i'm going to pay my mortgage and credit consolidation bill, both due tomorrow, when my mortgage alone is more than the paycheck i'll receive at midnight.

i have taken a stand on financial accountability and have cut out unnecessary spending, including all entertainment expenses except cable. and yet, it is not enough. i still face a seemingly unclimbable wall.

but that's where faith steps into play. usually you undertake a remodeling project because a change is necessary. maybe things are falling apart, are dingy, or broken. the place is a wreck. the goal of remodeling is to beautify, to upgrade, and to make life more enjoyable. the result is rejuvenating as you bask in the newness of things made right.

but unless you checkout completely during the process and let a contractor do all the work, things are going to get messy before they get better. when my parents remodeled their kitchen, they tore out a wall, knocked out the ceiling, and tore out all the old wiring. at one point, there was so much dust in the air, they could not see more than 5 feet in any direction. but once it settled, was swept away, and the hardwood was laid, the new cabinets and appliances installed, it looked like a million dollars.

so i pray that they dust is settling and has more than filled HIS trashcan. that the foundation beneath is strong and changes are soon to come. maybe one day i'll be a part of the home tour...

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