Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Thank you all for the birthday wishes. While I'm not big on celebrating, it was great to get all the myspace and facebook messages from friends near and far! i feel loved.

Gina...thank you for hanging out at home for hours with Cougar, waiting for me to get home from rehearsal...for the deeeeeelicious angel food cake. perfection. thank you for making homemade salsa for my work Christmas party and picking up a gift for my boss. Thank you for the gifts and for ironing my clothes. But thank you most of all for meeting every need and for making life more enjoyable. You are the greatest gift of all!

and now i will build a nest under my desk and nap through the afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No...YOU are the greatest gift. I am so thankful for you..all 27 years of you!