Tuesday, March 13, 2007

i "heart" mud.

Today, which would have been the 1 year anniversary of my starting date at the insurance company, I did something much more enjoyable. I spent the day auditing a local well driller, which means I stood there and watched them drill a hole and made sure everything was done correctly and legally. Interesting, considering I've had exactly ZERO training on wells. However, I had plenty of spare time to read the well codes while basking in the sun. I always wondered how they drilled with a bit 100's of feet below ground and how they kept it all from collapsing. It was kind of like an episode of "Dirty Jobs"! All I know is that water came out when they were done (9 hours later) and apparently that's a good thing. It sure beats sitting behind a desk waiting for angry McDonald's customers to call! All's well that ends well!


Anonymous said...

well. well. deep subject.
Hey, great Southern Cal weather for ya to be out there!!

Leslie said...

I love the show dirty jobs! He's hilarious!