Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Our dear secretary says the "funniest" things some times. She blames it on the "Ashley Bubble," in which she lives. For instance, she coined these intellectual gems just this week:

"O.J. Simpson? Who is that? Oh, is he the guy with the white truck like yours, Claire? All I know is there was something about a glove."
wow. had no idea about the murders, trial, nothing.

"I ate at McDonald's in Mexico and I couldn't believe they had hamburgers." We asked why. "Because they don't have any cows in Mexico. I mean, come on, it's an Ocean."
i couldn't make this stuff up.
I asked her where she went in Mexico. She replied, "Cancun." So if you went to New York City, you'd expect to see cows? "Yeah, I see them when we're driving around here all the time." But you were at a resort. "But we still drove!" Where? "Down the strip."
she was serious.

Today she was running around telling everyone the director granted her permission to get a Chameleon to keep at her desk. I asked her when she was getting the lizard, to which she replied, "I'm not getting a lizard, I'm getting a chameleon."

at least she keeps things interesting.

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