Friday, August 31, 2007

an anomoly

Yesterday I watched "Bowling for Columbine" for the first time.
Yes, I realize I'm 5 years late, but honestly I thought watching it would cause me to dislike Michael Moore more than I already do. However, I caught the first few minutes of it the other day and decided to give him a shot (pun).
Going into it, I figured it would be Moore's personal agenda against gun-owning Americans and a bunch of liberal propaganda. And true to form, it was there.
BUT, he did make some good points that got me thinking.

Canada has approximately 10 million families and 7 million guns. Yet, there are only 35ish gun-related homicides in the entire country each year. Compare that to the U.S. and there are over 100,000 each year. We've had 1/2 the Canadian average already in Peoria this year. The same goes for other countries across the world: Germany, Britain, Japan, Australia, etc. There are just as many guns in these countries, their citizens watch the same violent movies, play the same violent video games, listen to the same "metal" music, etc. But there is no where near the rate of gun-related crime.

While there are no easy answers to this epidemic of violence in our country, it is obvious that taking guns out of the hands of responsible citizens will not solve the problem. There is an evil deep in our culture that must be uprooted and exposed. The fear instilled in its citizens by the news media, the level of poverty and denial of basic health care needs, and America's trigger-happy government must change. If only we would adopt some of the policies and practices of our peaceful neighbors, we could move from the "land of opportunity" to the "land of tranquility," and we gun owners would not be persecuted by congressman who know nothing of such things.

1 comment:

charlesdean2 said...

I think it's funny when people dismiss someone just because of what "everyone" says about them. While I don't agree with everything Michael Moore says or does, there's some good stuff...same with Rush Limbaugh, or Al Franken, or Sean Hannity (maybe that's a bad example...)

It would be nice, if once in a while in our "sound byte driven, highly politicized culture, we could shut up once in a while to listen to what the other person is actually saying without telling them what they say...

Okay...I'll stop ranting.