Thursday, July 13, 2006

You need to know:

Things I like

Things I hate

10. Water shoes

10. Words that aren’t spelled like they sound

9. In-dash dvd players with touch screens

9. Watermelon seeds

8. Holiday pay

8. Fake laughter (usually while on the phone)

7. Ice cream with candy bars in it

7. Chewy potatoes

6. Zombie movies

6. Messes

5. New car smell

5. Rabbit fur (allergic)

4. Post-workout laziness

4. Burlap

3. Chicken

3. Non-sanded wood decks

2. Cougar (my cat)

2. Insurance claims

1. Bri (girlfriend, not cheese)

1. Dodge Neons


erichapman said...

dude... where are you getting chewy potatoes?

Leslie said...

You read my mind. I wanted to do something like a different way though, i wont copy ;o)

Abel Muniz said...

We all know the truth that it really goes....

No.1 Cougar
No.2 Bri

Ive seen you with him and there is no denying it.

JGanschow said...

Eric-my mom would "cook" potatoes in the microwave and leave them in too long or something and they would then have the consistency of a rubber ball. comment.

Anonymous said...

i like this post i think i will steal the idea and do something like it on myspace.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Abel....the truth is revealved, but its otay. I don't mind taking back-seat to our child. Cougs is the BEST!!

Anonymous said...

I'm the mom, and yes sometimes they were kind of different, but NOT like a rubber ball. Silly Boy!