Monday, June 12, 2006

REALITY hurts.

Yesterday evening we had a cookout for the high school ministry, "Reality." There was food galore, football, bocce ball, ultimate frisbee, and an inflatable obstacle course and jousting arena. Everyone had a great time and we met a bunch of new kids! Very exciting. However, I realized that I'm not quite as youthful or resilient as I once was. Point in case: while running cross-field to catch a football, I was unable to stop when I came to the out-of-bounds (the forest). Hence, I went head-first into an 8 foot tall thorn bush and fell completely through it. I now look like I have been mauled by a pack of hungry alley cats while wearing a suit made of tuna. Point #2, after making a bold and powerful swing at a kid on the jousting game, I took a very solid hit to the back of the head from his stick. Who needs helmets anyway? Wow, I saw stars. And finally, when I woke up this morning I was so sore and stiff I could hardly move. I blame ultimate frisbee.

How is it going to be when I'm 30?!

Seriously though, it was awesome.


Anonymous said...

wimp! haha!! they were getting brutal in there! you need some icy hot, i think craig has some! ha ha!!

Anonymous said...

aww poor baby.......heehee