Thursday, June 29, 2006

WACKY Wednesday.

Yesterday was in a word, insane. I was “cussed-out” by a furious claimant because I’m not paying to fix his van that he claims was damaged while driving into the parking lot because it is physically impossible to have occurred the way he has described. (deep breath) I’ve actually denied the claim several times now. So after he called me every name in the book and I hung up on Mr. Jerko, he called my boss and used a few choice adjectives on him. Frank doesn’t tolerate this, so he also hung up on him. Then Synonym-for-donkey-man called our V.P. Good luck.

That was just the beginning. Another guy insisted that he was taking his story to the news because he was served an undercooked burger and “the public needs to know.” That’s all well and good, Mr. Vigilante, except you were not sick, you had no medical treatment, and therefore, no evidence of any problem with the food. If there is something wrong with a product, it’s not going to be ONE hamburger that’s affected. They grill them 6 at a time and sold almost 200 that day. You’re the only one with a “problem.” So go tell it on the mountain, buddy, I’m sure the news has nothing better to cover.

A lady who told me she is a Nashville recording artist (from Arkansas) said her Godson was eating at McD and found a fly in his burger. There are many MANY details of her story that make absolutely no sense, but I’ll only highlight the most entertaining. First, she said the fly was inside the meat, but was intact. Hamburgers are made from ground meat, ma’am. That means that the fly would have also been ground up in the process. The kid didn’t eat any of the fly and yet she claims he’s very ill, has been to the ER twice, couldn’t celebrate his birthday because he was sick. She wouldn’t even let me talk to the little tyke….who is 20 years old. She is also too disgusted and physically sickened by the matter and doesn’t think either of them will EVER be able to eat fast food again...
You’re welcome.

Finally, (this is my fav) another examiner got a claim from some loon that our insured restaurant put specially designed glass fragments into his food intentionally. These were “engineered” to be undetectable while eating the food, but are now cutting into his intestines and causing internal bleeding. Some people have too much time on their hands.


Anonymous said...

Too much time on their hands? Or perhaps too little money in their wallet?

Anonymous said...

gee... i wish i had your job. i love it! keep 'em coming!