Let's see how much you know about the coolest cat ever birthed.
1) Which is not one of Cougar's favorite foods?
a. String Cheese
b. French Bread
c. Green Olives
d. Cheetos
2) What is Cougar's middle name?
a. Frank
b. Bear
c. Jones
d. Ringo
3) In what year did Cougar adopt me?
a. 2002
b. 2003
c. 2004
d. 2005
4) In what famous 80's movie did Cougar's double star?
5) Cougar hates:
a. Shadows
b. Cats
c. Dogs
d. Children
6) At one evening meal, Chris Evans fed Cougar an entire:
a. Chocolate Bunny
b. Chicken Breast
c. Can of Baked Beans
d. Donkey
7. How many distinct dialects does Cougar communicate in?
a. 4
b. 6
c. 12
d. I don't know, as I am not fluent in Catenese.

Ok - I'll give this a shot before I "hit the hay."
1. b
2. b
3. a
4. Cat's Eye
5. b
6. b, despite my protests
7. a
hahaha...i'm not going to even try....except for the one about what i fed cougar....chicken, baby! chicken!
Gina, you got them all but #3. The correct answer was b-2003!
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